300K Solutions

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Say goodbye to freezers and discover a smarter way to preserve cell lines. 300K Cell Line Stabilization Solution ensures unmatched reliability and efficiency for your genomic research.

Perfect Preservation. No Freezing Needed!

Room temperature storage keeps your cell lines intact and ready for analysis—no freezers, no degradation risks. 

Reference Material

Improve standarization and achive reproducible results by creating reference materials at room temperature.

Save on Operational Costs

Reduce refrigeration expenses and maintenance. Cut costs while maintaining quality


The DNA extracted from samples freeze-dried using 300K Cell Lines Solution has been subjected to rigorous quality control to assess DNA purity, integrity and functionality room temperature storage, following the Proficiency Standards stablished by the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER).

DNA purity and yield

Using DNA extracted from 4 different lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs) cell lines (H929, CA46, RS4;11 and REH), DNA purity was assessed by spectrophotometry revealing that all four cell lines (aliquots of 5 x 105 cells) showed A260/280 ratio values above 1,6 even after 3 months of room temperature (RT) storage, which indicates absence of protein contamination. Moreover, double-strand DNA quantification by fluorimetry confirmed a good DNA yield in all samples (at least 0,5 µg).
Sample IDTime of RT storageDNA yield (µg)A260/280
H929Control (T0)1,651,99
3 months2,761,93
CA46Control (T0)1,421,97
3 months2,591,88
RS4;11Control (T0)0,521,92
3 months0,941,81
REHControl (T0)2,971,93
3 months1,751,86

DNA Functionality and integrity

To assess DNA functionality and integrity, we performed a multiplex long PCR, and a 17,5 kb band was observed in all four cell lines, even after 3 months of RT storage.

Suitability for NGS studies

Specifically, we performed the EuroClonality-NDC assay (Univ8 Genomics, Belfast, North Ireland) which is used for the study of Lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD). The reason why we choose this genomic assay is because it uses as validation samples, among others, the four cell lines we have tested.

The metrics obtained in this NGS analysis using DNA from all four cell lines (stored 1 year at RT) were within the stablished acceptance criteria. Moreover, the results (shown in the table below) were the expected for these specific cell lines (results regarding SNVs, even though not shown, were also similar in all four cell lines).

Cell LineExpected TranslocationDetected
CA46t(8;14) MYC/IGHswcYes
H929t(4;14) MMSET/IGHswcYes
H929t(8;20) MYC/FAM242AYes
RS4;11t(4;11) AFF1/KMT2AYes