300K Solutions

recognitions, partners & projects


RECOGNITIONS, a selection of recognitions granted to 300K Solutions

Innovative SME of Ministry of Science and Innovation

300K has been recognized as Innovative SME by the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities of Spain.

Seal APTE Top 100 Startups 2023

300K Solutions has made its way into the APTE Top 100 Startups of 2023. This list highlights the 100 most outstanding and innovative startups located in 51 Science and Technology Parks across Spain.

Seal of Excellence of European Commission 

300K Solutions has obtained the Seal of Excellence for the project proposal 953614, Biotem 2, Disruptive solution for maintenance, storage and shipment of Biospecimens at Room Temperature submitted under the EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 by 300K following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts WAS SCORED AS A HIGH-QUALITY PROJECT PROPOSAL IN A HIGHLY COMPETITIVE EVALUATION PROCESS

PARTNERS, a selection of partners collaborating with 300K Solutions

ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación, S.A.)

300K Solutions is financed by ENISA (Ministry of Industry and Tourism). This #clienteEnisa seal is a demonstration of the company's commitment to innovation, technology and excellence.

PROJECTS, a selection of projects granted to 300K Solutions 

Junta Castilla y Leon

Projects for the participation of SMEs from Castilla y León in international fairs

“Project funded by the Junta de Castilla y León throught the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICECYL)".

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"Uniss" “Sistema de almacenamiento de muestras universal”

Project co-funded by the ERDF, Thematic Objective 1, aimed at promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. Grant nº: 04/18/SA/0055. Project Duration: 2023-2025

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"LyoSmart" Development and validation of technology for maintenance of DNA samples at Room Temperature

“This project has been co-funded by the FEDER, Thematic Objective 1, which pretends to promote technological development, innovation and quality research". Grant 04/18/SA/0010. Project Duration: 2019-2021

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"Biotem" Innovative solution for maintenance and storage of Biospecimens at Room Temperature

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 866688”.